Monday, April 8, 2013

If you're a bird, I'm a bird

Photos by: Nick Sutjongdro                           Shirt by: Rhythm Livin                             Sweater by: Hollister                                 Shorts by: H&M                                 Shoes by: Aldo

If you're a bird...I'm a bird...NOT. Who'd wanna be a bird, I'd hate to just eat nuts and worms. Don't get me wrong, flying is cool and all but I like being a human.

Movin onto more important things, Brand Pigeonholing. Many people refuse to wear clothes made by a certain brand they don't like because of a negative connotation that it may or may not have.Which is terribly sad, why limit yourself?

So what IS brand pigeonholing you ask? Well glad you asked.

Bran Pigeonholing 

/brandˈpijən ˈhōliNG/

To create a preconceived idea about a brand and all their piece.


Brand Stereotyping

Common failings of Brand pigeonholing schemes include:
  • Buying expensive brands only (in some cases, this makes sense, but not always, it is good to know your brands as well, just keep an open mind)
  • Not wearing pieces that may complement your figure simply because the piece is of a brand you dislike (If you can find an H&M piece that fits just as nicely as a zara fit, why not?)
  • Brands may change over time, so they no longer fit the category in which they have been placed (F21 may decide to step up their game)
So what is the point of all this? Many people will choose not to wear this sweater simply because it's Hollister. And true, Hollister may have a terrible connotation from the past, but who cares. If you like it, wear it, if it makes you confident, wear it! Plus, this sweater was super soft and half the price and double the quality American Apparel makes.


  1. great jumper !! love it in combination with your bermuda shorts !

  2. i love it. and I envy that you may wear short my country we have five degrees on plus, only! so we must wear a coat... I love your ootd!:)

  3. you look good!

  4. I love your Shirt Peter! Great look! :D

  5. perfect look!
    really wondrful!
    nicw sweater!

  6. You look great!
    Perfect mix of colour :)
