Monday, May 13, 2013

Meet me at the Falls

Photos by: Bethany Struble                                   Shirt by: Vans                                      Pants by: Rhythm                 

This heat has been UNBEARABLE. So to alleviate the pain, I've decided to jump off a cliff...but seriously. Me and a group of my friends will be going to Hermit falls in arcadia and all of you are invited! I'd love to see you all there.

This outfit was geared towards the hot hot sun. A large hat to keep the sun off my shoulder and airy shirt to let me breathe. The shorts are self explanatory.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A word on Feminism

I don't usually do fact I never do this, but this needs to be said with so many people misusing the term feminism is a word on Feminism.
Too many people mistake feminism with Misandry.

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment (Wikipedia). Do not get it confused with Misandry, which is the hatred of mankind and the likes.

It seems that nowadays, radical feminists and a mass of uneducated/online band-waggoning man haters, get that mixed up. In no way do you have to hate men to be a strong independendent woman with rights. In fact, hating men isn’t at all what feminism is about. Hating men will not get women rights, nor will it put them on equal grounds.

I am a feminist and I say that proudly, but it really really makes me sad when I see women man-bashing for the sake of feminism. Why redirect the anger/hate? Why not aim to absolve it all together. That is all, if you managed to read my little thought rant, thanks/sorry.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Hivemind

Photos by: Bethany Struble                            Shirt/jacket by: PRPGNDA                      Pants by: Pacusn

Very quick post! Been busy, but love you all!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Steppie Part IV

 Photos by: Sylvia G                            Styling by: Joey Thao                              Shirt by: Steppie

Last part of the steppie outfit set! I don't know why it took so long for me to upload these. Well here they are! this was my favorite outfit from the set. LMK what you guys think

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sweater Quick Style tips ft. PRPGNDA

Photos by: Bethany Struble                                              Sweater by: Prpgnda                                              Pants by: Pacsun                

You're all probably sweating looking at these pictures. I don't blame you. I'm sweating now, looking back at these pictures. The best thing about sweaters are that they cover up everything under it, so if you have a terribly ugly collared shirt but it makes for a nice detail piece, slap a sweater on for a cover up. And with that, here comes yet another random style tip.

Sweater quick style tips:
1. If it's a hot day and yet you want to look spiffy in your nice sweater, grab a thin collared shirt you don't really like (or thrift it) and CHOP OFF the sleeves! Yes, that's right, chop them off. You better hope the shirt was cheap, cause now all it is, is a fancy sweater decorator. Throw that sweater over your-now-sleeveless dress shirt and have the same desired look and feel ten times breezier.
2. You have a stained dress shirt? no problem, handy dandy sweater to the rescue! Slap that sweater on and cover up your mess you dirty boy
3. When wearing striped sweaters, try pairing it up with something plain as the stripes itself will gather attention, you don't want the collars to distract from that.
4. Wear thin/fitted dress shirts. Too many times have I seen people wear sweaters with really thick collared shirts under it. It'll bulk up and make you look chunkier, you don't want that!..I think.

To check out more pieces like this sweater, check out Macy's for the fresh line from PRPGNDA!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Desert Hea(r)t

Photos by: Bethany Struble                                  Backback by: Urban Outfitters                              Shorts by: H&M                                            Shirt by: Calvin Klein

The desert heat can drive a man mad sometime, adaptive measures must then be taken to avoid said insanity. With the Californian sun beating down so hard this past week, I've been lounging in shorts all week. But that doesn't mean you can't be stylish in a pair of shorts. So today here's an outfit I shot back at coachella, pairing burnt orange shorts with a thin black henley to let in the spring breeze and keep you cool and looking cool.