Wednesday, September 28, 2011

But I'd rather be alone than someone you take home

Photo Credit: Nick Sutjongdro

I love how the weather is starting to cool down :] I love autumn. Anyways just wanted to share this fun find while thrift shopping. I got these shoes for 4$!!! anyways yeah I hope you're all having a great time and enjoying everything! Hopefully I'll have more fun things to post soon. Oh and haha here's something for you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

But we've got our love to pay the bills

Photo Credit: Derek Wong
Glasses by: ProOpticals

Oh how I wish love was all we needed to survive, but honey, love don't pay the bills! These glasses were supplied to me by ProOpticals and the best part is that they're my prescription! Or...will be soon, so I can be stylish AND still see people while driving :D yay for not hitting people in the streets (asianjoke). Anyways go check out their frames, they're awesome and reasonably priced. So anyways...lately I've been completely drained with school, work, auditions and shows. I've been so blessed by the little things lately and I just want to share that with you all, so here are a couple of pictures of what's been going on these past few weeks or so.

So I'm not sure if many of you know this, but I was in a production titled "Peter Pan The Movement Piece" for the past 2 months or so and just tonight was closing night! Bittersweet really. I really enjoyed the friendships/bonds that I've made during the whole show. And thanks so much to Bethany Struble for all her help and support during the shows and always coming out to my show :] The turnout was great and I had a lot of fun!

The other thing that I've also been working on is a short online webseries titles "Red Roses" directed and produced by Formula Arts. I swear the series isn't as dumb as me and yoshi in that picture hahahahahahah. We were being dumb. It's coming out soon in November I hope. Stay tuned!

So this was a bit more than just an outfit post, to those of you who read all the way through, congrats! You get...nothing. Oh well! Love you all <3

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

Shirt By GlamourKills

My girlfriend is leaving for a month and I'd hate to be melodramatic, but I'm going to be deeply saddened by this fact. She is my Juliet, my rising sun. And I'll be deprived of her light for quite some time.

But enough sappiness. This shoot was so much fun. Me and the infamous Bethany Struble jungled through ravenous plants, past steel doors, muddled through tall grass and climbed onto her old elementary school rooftop! All this adventure just for a photoshoot! But nonetheless the experience was amazing and I had an amazing time. One of the best photoshoots I've done by far and I love the way the pictures turned out. They portrayed the shirts exactly the way I wanted them done. This shirt was sent to me by GlamourKills. Their winter line should be coming up soon and I couldn't be more excited. Their shirts are amazingly comfortable and fit like a GLOVE. a really nice loose glove that you'd want to fit loose. BUT I DIGRESS. Anyways I hope you enjoy these pictures!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Broken Hearts in Broken Bottles

Photo Credit: Adam Gallagher 

Lately I've been really inspired by old film grain pictures. So here are some adventure time pictures again with me and Adam on top of the parking structure at night. I also realize that I've never posted a look at night :P I hope you all enjoy the change as much as I do! Much love <3

Also, Here are the performance dates for the movement piece I'm in titled, "Peter Pan, THE MOVEMENT PIECE"

 9/23/11 & 9/24/11

. Come drop by to say hi! The address is at:

  Expo Art Center, 4321 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, 90807 CA.

It's 10$ at the door. Doors close at 8:00 PM sharp! Come early and say hi!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trumpets Play Sick Lullabies

Photo Credit: Derek Wong

I'M A BAREFOOT MENACE!!!! But lookbook doesn't need to know that. So I cropped my feet hehehe. Anyways another look styled with a HoDo fashion T shirt. Bethany picked this one out for me :] Thank God for these beautiful cloudy mornings. Life is good.

Also, Here is the address for the movement piece I'm in titled, "Peter Pan, THE MOVEMENT PIECE". Come drop by to say hi! 

  Expo Art Center, 4321 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, 90807 CA.

It's 10$ at the door. Doors close at 8:00 PM sharp! Come early and say hi!

Help out Bethany in the Bloggers Wardrobe contest!
All you have to do is "like" the bloggers wardrobe facebook page and then "like" the photo of Bethany to cast your vote for her! 

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You May Say That I'm a Dreamer.. But I'm not.

 photocredit: Bethany Struble

Tomorrow/tonight is one of the last performance dates for the movement piece I'm in titled, "Peter Pan, THE MOVEMENT PIECE". Come drop by to say hi! The address is at:

  Expo Art Center, 4321 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, 90807 CA.

It's 10$ at the door. Doors close at 8:00 PM sharp! Come early and say hi!

Help out Bethany in the Bloggers Wardrobe contest!
All you have to do is "like" the bloggers wardrobe facebook page and then "like" the photo of Bethany to cast your vote for her! 

For those of you who watched dinner for schmucks, I'm sure the title tickled your funny bone. ;]

Friday, September 9, 2011


Photo Credit: Derek Wong

This is my first collaboration with lookbook!!! This collaboration was with lookbook x Dr. Marten's. I'm so excited about this look. The look in itself is extremely plain but I swear I put a lot of thought in arranging the pictures. I hope you guys enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed playing around with them :] Love you all! Thanks so much for all the support!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sun it Rises

Photo Credit: Derek Wong

Morning! So Fall is starting to creep in and I'm left with beautiful chilly nights. This look is somewhat different than the other looks I've been posting up. The collared polo was a shirt by HoDo Fashion which is definitely a unique shirt, none like any I've ever worn before, and I LOVE IT! Oh and it's my lookbook birthday yayyyyy :D Thanks so much for all the support ever since I've started my lookbook! I would not be where I am now without all of your support. I love you alll <3

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down

Photo Credit: Nick Sutjongdro

Coffee morning date with Nick. I've really been wearing these jeans WAY too much. And for those of you who wants to watch me perform, the address is at:

  Expo Art Center, 4321 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, 90807 CA.  

Admission is 10$ and 7$ for students. Doors open at 7:30 P.M. on 9/10 and 9/11. See you there this weekend! 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lion in a Coma

Photo Credits: Nick Sutjongdro

Fall is coming and I can't be more excited. But for the time being, school has started and I've been in the middle of two productions, Red Roses and Peter Pan The Movement Piece. This look was inspired by my role in the Peter Pan The Movement Piece, a lost boy! I wish you could could come see! If you do live by the long beach/ LA area, you should stop by to watch! e-mail me for address if you're honestly interested. Anyways, I'm ranting. Hope you guys are all having a great summer.